
From MusiCAD

Exporting a melody (e.g. as a MIDI file) is nothing more than saving its contents in another format, and using another file type. You do this by selecting the desired type at [File|Export].

Exporting saves the music in a different 'jacket', for example as image in the form of .bmp, .jpg or .png or as pdf document. This allows you to save sheet music in such a way that others can use it without MusiCAD.

To exchange music with other programs you can save files as ABC music, MusicXML or MIDI file.

If the (open source) plugins are installed correctly you can also save as .wav or .mp3 sound file.

A few file types can also be imported again:

.abc, .mid, .mxl, .xml

In addition, you can use [File|Save as] to save the opened file to a different destination based on the data:

.msj, .tmc, .arr, .mfr

If you often export files (for example PDF), it is useful to use a button bar button for this. myexport

See also