Save as
MusiCAD can save your music to a file in various ways:
- as musicad file .mc with a different name as opposed to plain save;
- as abc-file .abc for exchange with other music-notation programs;
- as MusicXML .mxl for exchange with other music-notation programs;
- as MIDI-file .mid for generic use on the web or exchange with other music-notation programs;
- as bitmap-picture (.bmp), jpeg-picture (.jpg) or .png-picture;
- in portable document format (.pdf) for easy high quality distribution and reference;
- as postscript document allowing printing and/or post processing (.ps files are plain text);
- as MusiCAD score template .msj;
- as MusiCAD layout template .tmc.
- as MusiCAD arrangement file .arr.
- as MusiCAD playlist .mpl.