MusiCAD can read and write most multi voice ABC tunes from other sources. Since abc-tunes are designed to be written manually you may sometimes need to edit an abc-tune a little bit to get rid of some anomalies/errors produced in hand-writing and/or differences in software.
Much more information regarding ABC notation can be found at
After opening an abc-file you can instruct MusiCAD to use a special template to create a uniform layout for all abc-read tunes.
Abc-files can be edited in source form within MusiCAD: [View|Textdisplay]
An abc-example is listed below.
X:1 T:Astleys Ride M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D af|: d2 d2 d2 cd|e2 e2 e2 fe|dcBA B2 c2|defg agfe| d2 d2 d2 cd |e2 e2 e2 fe|dcBA B2 c2 |1 d4 d2 af :|2 d4 d2 z A |:f2 f2 f2 ef|g2 g2 gabg|e2 e2 e2 de|f2 f2 fgaf| d2 d2 d2 cd |e2 e2 e2 fe|dcBA B2 c2 |1 d4 d2 zA :|2 d4 d2 z2||
Resulting in:
On abc-import the abc-key-fields are copied to corresponding MusiCAD text-fields:
ABC | MusiCAD |
A (author) | Author |
B (book) | Info |
C (composer) | Composer, Arranger |
D (discography) | Info |
G (group) | Tuning |
H (history) | Info |
O (origin) | Country, Area |
N (notes) | Comment |
R (rhythm) | Style |
S (source) | Source |
T (Title) | Title, Subtitle, SubTitle2 |
Z (transcription notes) | Arranger |
When exporting a tune as abc-file, the reverse is performed, note however that there is no 1 to 1 correspondence between abc-key-fields and MusiCAD text fields.
A large part of the abc-2.1 standard is implemented with a few exceptions:
- macro's (unlikely to be going implemented ever)
- styles (unlikely to be going implemented ever)
- multi-line-inline lyrics
ABC with multiple songs
When you open an ABC file that contains more than 1 music, you will get a list with the relevant music from which you can choose 1.
Standing behind each other:
- Sequence number in the .abc file
- Title
- Information:
- A if the melody contains chord symbols (or something that looks like chord symbols)
- W if the melody contains a text block with lyrics
- w if the melody lyrics is specified in.
- number of parts in the music
After pressing [OK] MusiCAD translates the chosen music (as best as possible) into a MC-file after which you get this on your screen for editing.
For more information about the abc standard see:
Unsupported facilities
MusiCAD can read and write most ABC files quite well, including polyphonic scores. Not all facilities of the abc standard 2.0 are available such as:
- abc macros
- style sheets
- symbol-lines (lines containing only symbols, starting with s: )
MusiCAD offers a number of features that are not supported in standard abc such as percussion and note shape.
The extra 'decorations' below are used by MusiCAD when saving and reading abc.
MusiCAD capability | Decoration | short form |
cue notes | !sSmall! | !.! |
percussionsign X | !sCross! | !X! |
percussion mark X with - (cymbal crash) | !sDash! | !x! |
percussion mark X with O (hi-hat open) | !sCircle! | !O! |
percussion mark / | !sSlash! | !/! |
note shape triangle | !sTriangle! | !T! |
note shape open diamond (flageolet) | !sDOn! | !Q! |
note shape open diamond (flageolet) | !sDClosed! | !q! |
With redefining in abc you can write down percussion relatively easily
U: k=!sCross! U: o=!sCircle! U: q=!sDash!