
From MusiCAD

Moving the note cursor along the notation bar can be done with the keyboard and with the mouse.
Moving with the mouse is possible within the bars that are visible on the notation bar by clicking on the desired place, provided mouse input mouse is disabled.

<ESC> Go - after error checking - back to screen display
<Pijltje naar rechts> Move the cursor to the next object.
<Pijltje naar links> Move the cursor to the previous object.
<Pijltje omhoog> Move the cursor up 1 note position.
<Pijltje omlaag> Move the cursor down 1 note position.
<ctrlPijltje naar links> Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous measure.
<ctrlPijltje naar rechts> Move the cursor to the beginning of the next measure.
<shift-ctrl-altPijltje naar links> Move cursor to the previous (main) note.
<shift-ctrl-altPijltje naar rechts> Move cursor to next (main) note.
<alt-shiftPijltje naar links> Move cursor to the previous text.
<alt-shiftPijltje naar rechts> Move cursor to next text.
<PageUp> Move the cursor back one line of screen.
<PageDown> Move the cursor one line of screen further.
<ctrl-PageUp> Go to previous hard barline (to beginning not found as).
<ctrl-PageDown> Move to next hard barline (to end if not found).
<Home> Go to beginning of line.
<End> Go to end of line.
<Tab> Move to the next bar in a score.
<shift-tab> Go to the previous bar in a score.
<ctrl-home> Go to beginning of melody.
<ctrl-End> Go to end of melody.

The note cursor indicates the new position on the notation bar after each move. You can then see from the shape of the note cursor whether a note (cross) or something with duration=0 (square) is being pointed. A circle indicates that the cursor is no longer on an object, but is ready to be entered with <Enter>. On the status line you can see the properties of such an object (note/rest/text/symbol or other 'thingy').

See also