Sharps and flats

From MusiCAD

Sharps sharp, flats flat and naturals natural can appear in music in different ways:

  • As fixed signs to a (part of) a melody. These signs apply throughout the rest of the melody, up to a possible key change. Sharps and flats as accidentals are directly linked to the key signature.
  • As accidental increase or decrease (to be entered with <+> and <->). Notes that are not proper to the scale get a sharp, flat or natural, depending on the key. The note G#/A♭ is much more often written as g# in the key of Am, while it is notated as a♭ in Gm; each tone has a preferred notation or spelling in a key. You can deviate from this preferred notation by using enharmonic exchange you instruct MusiCAD to write a note "the other way". You indicate enharmonic exchange with <x>. Remember to specify the correct key before working with enharmonic exchange...

Besides 'normal' sharps and flats, there are double sharps kruisenenmollen3.jpg and double flats kruisenenmollen4.jpg. An accidental raising of the (proper) note f# in the key of C# should usually be called f## and should be written with a double sharp double sharp. For example, every note (except the G#/A♭) can be 'spelled' in three ways: c = b# = d♭♭, c# = d♭ = b## etc. Using the accidental menu under doubleflat you can you can easily implement such an alternative enharmonisation.

A strange duck in this bite are quartertone increases and decreases.

See also