Accidental menu
Using the accidental menu on the buttonbar or <alt-F11> you can modify notes to have:
no sharps/flats or whatever. | normal note |
flat | one semitone lower |
sharp | one semitone higher |
natural | original tuning - either a semitone higher or lower than without natural |
double sharp | a semitone higher than the already sharpened tone |
double flat | a semitone higher than the already flattened tone |
half sharp | a quartertone higher (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams) |
half flat | a quartertone lower (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams) |
tree quartertones higher (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams) | |
three quartertones lower (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams) |