Template functions

From MusiCAD
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With template functions you can create smart formatting templates that perform a variety of functions such as selecting parts, transposing a part/score, adding and editing parts, and saving music in other formats (.mid, .pdf).

For an alphabetical overview of possible parameters to use see: template parameters


A layout template that splits a two-part part has something like this:

 !# SETPART( sVoicename, UpperVoice ); ! rename the part 'UpperVoice'
 !# ADDPART( COPY1 ); ! copy current part
 !# SETPART( sVoicename, LowerVoice ); !rename the copied part 'LowerVoice
 !# MODIFYPART( RemoveHighvoice ); ! delete the upper notes
 !# SELECTPART( Uppervoice ); ! choose original part'
 !# MODIFYPART( RemoveLowvoice); ! delete the lower notes