A medley is usually understood to mean a succession of a number of separate pieces of music. Often the individual pieces of music are shortened for this purpose, put in an appropriate key and, if necessary, glued together with a few adjustments (extra bars, interludes, etc.).
When you want to create a medley:
- open the first piece of music and save it under a new name: medley-1;
- do the same with the other piece of music; call that medley-2;
- then adjust medley-1 and medley-2 as desired (trim, intro, outtro, time signature, key, order, end bar) and save the adjusted parts;
- open medley-2 and select all with <ctrl-A> use the
(or <ctrl-C>) to copy the music keep it on the notepad;
- open medley-1, navigate in edit mode to the end of the first part and paste the previously saved music there with the paste button
or <ctrl-V>;
- now save medley-1 as medley;
- both parts may provided with their own section headings.