FAQ - Installation/Suspicious
- When downloading the latest version of MusiCAD, I receive a message that the download may be unreliable... What should I do with that?
- To ignore...
- It takes a while before Google/Microsoft/Virus scanners mark a new version as sufficiently reliable. You can therefore simply ignore the message.
- Click on ••• for the extra menu items and choose 'Keep' to continue
- Windows warns me when downloading that the downloaded file may be dangerous. Is that right?
- What is not verified by Windows is considered potentially dangerous by Windows. Unknown makes unloved. In this case you can ignore the warning.
- Click 'Show more' in the warning, and then 'Keep anyway'
- The download file is then released for execution: 'Open file'. Then Windows asks whether you really want a program to be installed. So yes...
- One last hurdle to go before the installation can be started. Windows UAC (User Account Control) also wants to be reassured. After 'Yes' the MusiCAD installation can start.