Backup type

From MusiCAD

Making backups is something that is talked about a lot, but is far too often neglected. Only after a fire do you think of a fire extinguisher...

When making backups, you should always consider whether the effort of making a backup outweighs the benefits of having a backup. Everything that you cannot/do not want to afford to lose should be backed up.

Distinguish between a number of cases that must be able to be dealt with.

accidental deletion, overwriting, etc. - MusiCAD always makes copies when saving in the form of .~mc0, .~mc1 files, so that accidental overwriting or deletion of a file can be dealt with by retrieving a backup.
defects, disk crash, hardware problems. - To protect yourself against these types of problems, it is necessary to make copies on another physical medium. Where in the past the floppy was often used as a backup medium, a USB stick or an external hard drive is currently the most obvious solution. Drag all .mc, .mc0 to .mc9 files to the desired location in Explorer.
fire, theft, viruses, ransomware, etc. - To protect yourself against this, a copy is needed on another location. Online data storage is a practical solution with NextCloud, iCloud, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, etc. A possible alternative could be to zip all the music and then e-mail this file to a web e-mail account (gmail or similar).